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Guideline for EMDR Supervision
EMDR Association Guidance for EMDR Clinical Supervisors Consultants and Trainee Consultants
EMDR Association UK Guidelines regarding frequency and quantity of EMDR supervision
Handout explaining EMDR
PowerPoint explaining EMDR
Introduction to EMDR (Powerpoint)
From the National Centre for PTSD – US Department of Veterans Affairs which explains EMDR Therapy.
Animation film explaining the working memory theory of EMDR
Why Does EMDR Work?
15 minute explanations of the different theories.
EMDR Mechanism of Action Theories
EMDR Animated Video for 8-12 year olds
Dutch with English subtitles
EMDR Animated Video 12-18 year olds
Dutch with English subtitles
New EMDR research articles – Apr 2023
108 of the latest research articles in EMDR Therapy posted on behalf of EMDR Europe.
Frontiers in Psychology, September 2019
A wonderful resource put together by EMDR Europe of a collection of 23 Articles on various subjects related to EMDR Therapy that was published in Frontiers in Psychology in September 2019.
Frontiers in Psychology, 31 May 2022
The article “The Therapeutic Relationship in EMDR Therapy” has just been published in Frontiers in Psychology and addresses a very important topic in the field of EMDR therapy.
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