Home Protected: Members
Protected: Regional Groups and Special Interest Groups
Protected: Regional Groups and Special Interest Groups
The EMDR Association’s aim is for every member to have access to a regional group and the chance to contribute towards, and to be consulted on, Association matters. However, it requires the interest and availability of members at a local level to get involved on a voluntary basis, just as members of the Association’s board are all volunteers.
Some regions have a formally elected regional group, whereas others may have less formal “interest groups” that meet regularly and may arrange guest speakers or training events.
The majority of regions have a regional contact, and they are listed below. They have volunteered to act as a communication point and should be able to let members know what is going on in their area.
For more information on the role of regional or special interest groups, please download the Regional and Special Interest Groups Handbook.
The Association’s Regional and Special Interest Group Coordinator (RSIGC) can be contacted for advice and support on any matters relating to the regional and special interest groups by email : l.mackinney@emdrassociation.org.uk and o.dudley@emdrassociation.org.uk
Application to form a Regional Group
Beds, Bucks & Herts | Christine Habermehl | c4counselling@aol.com |
East Anglia | Mike Rivers | michaeljrivers1965@gmail.com |
East Midlands | Bethany Paris | emdreastmidlandsrg@gmail.com |
Kent | Philip Andrews | p.andrews@emdrassociation.org.uk |
London | Sandie Meacher | sandie@wellbeingexperts.co.uk |
Near West | David Wilcox | david@cbtbristol.com |
North East | Sarah Harrison | Sarah.harrison@cntw.org.uk |
North West | Emma McClane | info@waystonetherapy.com |
Scotland | Daryl Joyce | Scotlandemdr@gmail.com |
South Central | Nicola Coulter | nicola_coulter@sky.com |
South West | Ruth Sewell | Dr.ruthsewell@gmail.com |
Sussex | Ines Santos | ines000@gmail.com |
Wales | Antonia Scott Lawson | antoniascottlawson@hotmail.com |
West Midlands | David Pike | dpike@consultant.com |
Yorkshire | Lesley Robinson | lesleyrobinsontherapy@gmail.com |
Special Interest Groups
Special Interest Groups consist of members who share an interest in a particular client group, area of work or issue. They can be formed subject to the Association Council being satisfied that the establishment of the Group will support and enhance the Objects of the Association.
Members are free to join any Group that supports their interests within the Association. You can find out more about Special Interest Groups through contacting them direct, reading about their activities in the Newsletter or via the Regional and Special Interest Groups co-ordinator by email o.dudley@emdrassociation.org.uk
Application to form a new Special Interest Group
Application to join a SIG
Child & Young People SIG | Amy Prior | amy.prior08@gmail.com |
Climate Crisis SIG | Martina Leeven | mleevenpsychologist@gmail.com |
Dissociation SIG | Sharon Croskin | mindalot@croskin.co.uk |
Eating Disorders SIG | Samantha Giles | samantha.giles.therapy@gmail.com |
EMDR and Attachment SIG | Katrina | katrina@lakepsychology.co.uk |
EMDR and Forensic SIG | Sarah Harrison | Sarah.harrison@cntw.org.uk |
Intensive EMDR | Karen Williams | info@karenjwilliams.co.uk |
Neuro EMDR SIG | Dr Jonathan Hutchins | jonathan@hutchinspsychology.co.uk |
Neurodiversity SIG | Caroline Van Diest | caroline@synthesatherapy.nl |
NHS Consultants SIG | Carolyn Stone | stonecm21@gmail.com |
PAIN and EMDR SIG | Romy Sherlock | romy@retrainingpain.co.uk |
Perinatal EMDR SIG | Miriam Inder | PerinatalEMDR@betterbeginnings.co.uk |
Psychosis SIG | Susannah Colbert | Susannah.colbert@canterbury.ac.uk |
Refugee & Asylum Seeker SIG | Matthew Wilcockson | mattwilcockson@hotmail.com |
Sexology EMDR SIG | Nicola Pinder | info@nicolapinder.co.uk |
Spirituality SIG | Alexandra Dent | alexandradent@ymail.com |
National Association
President | Kath Norgate | KathNorgate@emdrassociation.org.uk |
Secretary | Louise MacKinney | l.mackinney@emdrassociation.org.uk |
Regional Group Coordinator | Oenone Dudley | o.dudley@emdrassociation.org.uk |
Past President | Matthew Wesson | m.wesson@emdrassociation.org.uk |
President Elect | Russell Hurn | r.hurn@emdrassociation.org.uk |