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Protected: Governance

Here are links to Governance documents that we feel are relevant to the EMDR UK Association.

If you have further documents you think are relevant please send them to the EMDR Association for review:

The EMDR Association Annual Review 2019 2020

EMDR Association UK & Ireland Accounts 30-11-19

Trustee Report & Financial Statement AYE 30112018


EMDR Trustees Report and Financial Statements 30-11-17

EMDR Association Response to Draft NICE Guidelines for PTSD-22072018

EMDR Association Supervision Guidelines revised July 2019


If you have a complaint about the conduct of an individual EMDR therapist, your complaint should be directed to the professional or regulatory body with whom they are registered. Click Here for Policy Page, which includes the Association’s own complaints policy.

Other EMDR Association of UK Policies

If you would like further details about our other policies including Code of Conduct for Members, Equality & Diversity Policy, Media Relations Policy, Political Campaigning Policy and Privacy Policy, please follow this link: Click Here for Policy Page

EMDR Europe

For information about EMDR in the wider European region, please visit the website of the EMDR Europe Association.

EMDR Europe have uploaded their 20th Anniversary video on Youtube:

Ethical Code of EMDR

For details of the Statement of Ethical Principles of EMDR Europe, which incorporates the EMDR Association of UK and Ireland please follow this link:

EMDR Europe Code of Ethics