Home For professionals
We are pleased to offer several EMDR webinars freely available to interested parties, whether you are an Association member or not. (You can learn more about becoming a member here.)
Several free webinars about the delivery of Online EMDR Therapy are available on Dropbox.
In addition the new NHS/UCL Competence Framework For EMDR Therapy was presented as a “Free to all” webinar hosted by the Association and delivered by Oenone Dudley in 2021 Oenone Dudley – Downloads and Recording – EMDR Events (emdrassociationevents.org.uk)
If you are an EMDR Therapist and would like to offer a free webinar to your colleagues we would love to hear from you – please contact Maxine Sherrell at m.sherrell@emdrassociation.org.uk
Please also visit the EMDR Association CPD Events section. Here members and Guests can find a range of low cost and high quality EMDR CPD events giving insight to best practice and contemporary research findings.