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Standard accredited training

EMDR Standard Accredited training

Standard Accredited training is the first step to becoming an accredited EMDR therapist.

Standard Accredited training. Usually a seven day course. Basic training can be described as Parts 1-3 or Parts 1-4. It used to also be known as Levels 1 and 2. To complete the course, you must use EMDR therapy with at least three clients in your clinical practice during the training.

Why choose an accredited training course?

EMDR Europe, in cooperation with the EMDR Association UK, regularly accredits and monitors the standards of all EMDR Trainers and training courses. Only EMDR Europe Accredited Trainers are allowed to teach the 7-day basic Accredited EMDR course.

You may find individuals who are not listed on this page claiming to be EMDR trainers running EMDR courses in the UK – such individuals are NOT accredited by EMDR Europe and are teaching a non-accredited course.

The content and quality of such courses will not meet the requirements of the EMDR Europe Association, the EMDR Association UK, or the worldwide EMDR international community.

If you attend a non-accredited training course you will not be eligible to join the EMDR Association or apply to become an EMDR Europe practitioner.  If the trainer or training company is NOT listed below, then the course is NOT accredited by EMDR Europe.

EMDR Europe Basic Training Courses and Accredited Trainers

EMDR Academy

EMDR Europe Accredited Senior Trainer: Matthew Wesson
EMDR Europe Accredited Trainer: Emma McClane
Website: www.emdracademy.co.uk
Telephone: 01829 732 721
Email: info@emdracademy.co.uk

EMDR Consultancy

EMDR Europe Accredited Trainer: Simon Proudlock
Website: www.emdrconsultancy.com

EMDR Masterclass

EMDR Europe Accredited Senior Trainer: Michael Paterson
Website: www.emdrmasterclass.com
Telephone: 028 9066 1110 (UK) 048 9066 1110 (ROI)
Email: info@emdrmasterclass.com

EMDR Nexus

EMDR Europe Accredited Trainer: Dr Ines Santos
E-mail: emdrnexus@gmail.com
Website: emdrnexus.com

EMDR Training Robin Logie

EMDR Europe Accredited  Trainer: Robin Logie
Website: www.emdrtrainingrobinlogie.co.uk
Email: info@robinlogie.com

EMDR Training with Gus Murray

EMDR Europe Accredited Trainer: Gus Murray
Website: www.emdrtraining.ie
Telephone: +353868215551
Email: gus@emdtraining.ie

EMDR Training with Naomi Fisher

EMDR Europe Accredited Trainer: Dr Naomi Fisher
Website: https://www.emdrtraininguk.com / https://www.naomifisher.co.uk
Email: info@naomifisher.co.uk

EMDR Works

EMDR Europe Accredited Senior Trainer: Richard Mitchell
Website: www.emdrworks.org
Telephone: 01727 851251
Email: admin@emdrworks.org

Mersey Psychotherapies

EMDR Europe Accredited Senior Trainer: Derek Farrell
Website: www.merseypsychotherapies.co.uk
Email: contact@merseypsychotherapies.co.uk

Mindsync EMDR Training

MDR Europe Accredited Senior Trainer: Caroline van Diest
Website: mindsyncemdrtraining.com
Telephone: 07739582265
Email: mindsyncemdr@gmail.com

Mirabilis Health Institute

Trainer: Prof Paul W Miller
Address: 148 Monkstown Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 0LF
Website: www.mirabilishealth.co.uk
Email: info@mirabilishealth.co.uk

Psych Consult Belfast

EMDR Europe Accredited Trainer: Dr Saleem Tareen MRC Psych
Telephone: 02890552371
Website: http://www.psychconsultbelfast.co.uk
Email: info@psychconsultbelfast.co.uk

Richman EMDR Training

EMDR Europe Accredited Senior Trainer: Sandi Richman
Website: www.emdr-training.com
Telephone: 020 7372 3572
Email: linda@alexandrarichman.com

University of Worcester EMDR Therapy MSc

EMDR Europe Accredited Senior Trainer: Derek Farrell
Website: http://www.worcester.ac.uk/journey/msc-emdr-therapy.html
Telephone: 01905 542443
Email: pg-admissions@worc.ac.uk or d.farrell@worc.ac.uk

More details about Trainer Accreditation is at: Trainer accreditation – EMDR European Association (emdr-europe.org)