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CPD credits
CPD credits
CPD credits for EMDR events
Organising an EMDR event or training activity? Your participants could gain CPD credits if you make your event eligible.
Apply to the EMDR Association UK beforehand to have CPD credits awarded to your event.
How do I apply?
Fill in this application form: CPD Application Form
The award of credits is conditional upon receipt of the payment.
Please make sure:
- You provide all information requested to avoid disappointment.
- You allow plenty of time to allow the Committee to consider your application.
- The CPD event must be a taught event, not pre-recorded.
- EMDR Association UK won’t advertise a CPD event if it makes use of the word training, as ‘training’ has a specific meaning within the EMDR Europe framework.
Submit your application by email to the Admin team admin@emdrassociation.org.uk
No fees are charged for non-commercial events, for example those run through the Regional and Special Interest Groups.
Commercial Events
All applications for EMDR Association UK CPD credits for Commercial events attract a fee of £500
A further £1,000 will be charged to cover the cost of two advertisements to the association mailing list. (optional) Two adverts is the minimum number.
Where the exact same event is run within a 3-monht window, £250 will be charged for the repeat award of CPD event credits. This can continue on a rolling basis. The award of credits is conditional upon receipt of the payment.
Any applications that are not awarded credits will have £400 of application fees refunded, with retained £100 covering administrative costs.
These fees do not apply to non-commercial events.
Who can apply for CPD credits?
Accredited EMDR Association UK Trainers, Clinical Supervisors / Consultants, and Practitioners can apply for the credits. Their event may include contributions made by clinicians still working towards accreditation.
What information does the Association need?
- Title, date, and location of the event.
- Presenters’/speakers’ details, including the level they are trained to, and their accreditation status.
- Details of the aims and learning outcomes related to EMDR, the teaching methodology, and content.
- How the event aims to develop EMDR practice.
- Percentage of the session focused on EMDR (to qualify for CPD credits, at least 50 per cent of the session needs to be spent focused on EMDR).
- An indication of your target audience. People attending CPD events should be trained at least to Level 1 of standard training.
How many CPD credits can I ask for?
A full-day event can earn a maximum of six CPD credits.
Can support or supervision groups be awarded CPD credits?
No, support or supervision groups are not eligible for CPD credits.
What happens after I’ve applied?
The Accreditation Committee will consider all applications by email or at a committee meeting. You will be notified of the Committee’s decision by email.
If your non-commercial application is successful, you may then include the EMDR Association UK and EMDR Europe logos and the number of CPD credits awarded on your event’s documentation. Commercial events must not use the EMDR Association UK or Europe logos.
Events awarded CPD credits must be evaluated by participants in writing and a summary of the evaluations submitted to the Accreditation Committee representative.
Repeat events will be awarded CPD credits only on receipt of satisfactory evaluations from the previous event.
Still got a question?
Please read this October 2024 CPD Credits Overview about applying for CPD credits.
Updated October 2024