EMDR Therapy Quarterly launches
15 July, 2021

The first edition of the new online EMDR Therapy Quarterly launched in January of this year. The Spring edition followed in April and the Summer edition which is the latest on the homepage.
Following its long-running physical format, it is fitting that this publication should go online, in the same way that so much else has – therapy included – over the last year and a half.
It is optimised to read on phone and tablet (as well as laptop/desktop computer) – or any device you might choose!
In addition we decided that it should be available not just to Association members, but to the general public.
We hope you enjoy ETQ, and if you have feedback you can report it to the Editor via the email on the ETQ site.
Winter 2021: Vol 3 No 1
The COVID-19 pandemic changed our lives forever, including how we do therapy. Richard Worthing-Davies speculates on four major trends that will transform how we learn and practise EMDR therapy
Justin Havens gives a personal account of how integrating the Flash Technique with the Standard Protocol has revolutionised his EMDR Practice. Dr Jenny Ward’s Case Study explores the use of compassion-focused interweaves in treating complicated grief.
Spring 2021: Vol 3 No 2
- Research evidence confirms online EMDR is effective
- Where to start when treating a client with a lifetime of trauma? Dr Andrew Leeds gives expert advice on navigating the rough seas of case formulation.
- Read the highlights of the UK conference: helping first responders maintain mental health; an innovative education initiative that puts trauma treatment at the heart of learning, and more.
Summer 2021: Vol 3 No 3
- What can the COVID pandemic teach us about maintaining the mental health of NHS frontline staff? Read what Amie Smith learned from Prof Brandon Hamber’s keynote address to the European Conference
- New ideas on the role of BAS and a proposed mechanism for how EMDR works
- How to prevent and manage secondary trauma in supervisees
- EMDR UK’s current initiatives and future plans – a message from the president